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How can I optimise my OAM search?
Use the below options to optimise your OAM search to find the most relevant regulated information that we have on file.
Country of issuer
Where is the issuer based?
Issuer name
Who is the originator of the regulated information?
Publication date
When was the regulated information first published?
Reference year
What year was the information you are looking for published?
ISIN code
What is the ISIN code of the security you are looking for regulated information on?
CSSF code
What is the identification code given to the issuer by Luxembourg’s financial regulator?
Type of regulated information?
Do you need to find periodic, ongoing or other information?
Who is concerned?
The Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) provides issuers and their representatives with a filing service via the Officially Appointed Mechanism (OAM) for documents containing regulated information.* These documents are centrally archived and publicly accessible via our website with the central document storage service being a regulated activity.  

*As referred to in Directive 2004/109/EC of December 2004  
Who needs to disclose information?
Issuers with transferable securities traded on a regulated market and fall under the competence of the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financiers (CSSF) – Luxembourg’s financial regulator – are obliged to disclose a certain scope of information.*

Issuers who fall within the scope of the Transparency Law must provide periodic and ongoing information, known as “regulated information”, which includes among others, periodic financial reports, information on major holdings and certain privileged information.

In addition to the drafting and preparation of documents relating to regulated information, the Transparency Law requires issuers to:
  • Published regulated information
  • Provide information to an Officially Appointed Mechanism (OAM) for the central storage of regulated information
  • File regulated information with the CSSF
*Under the law of 11 January 2008 (as amended) concerning transparency requirements for issuers of transferable securities known as the Transparency Law.
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