The Financial News Service (FNS) is a tool created by LuxSE, which is designed to make the publication and dissemination of notices, announcements and press releases easier for issuers.
Via the FNS service, investors can consult all notices from LuxSE issuers and further LuxSE announcements relating to LuxXPrime issuers.
The suspension of instruments on LuxSE and therefore on LuxXPrime may be carried out for a number of reasons.
Within LuxXPrime’s latest suspension category, investors can view instruments that have been suspended by LuxSE over the last three trading days.
The removal of a security from LuxXPrime may be carried out when a security is delisted from LuxSE or if the Prime Liquidity Provider no longer quotes said security.
To learn more about securities that will be removed from LuxXPrime over the coming days, investors can consult the removed securities tab.