Discover retail-sized bond trading
Together with our Prime Liquidity Provider, EUWAX AG, LuxXPrime gives private and professional investors the opportunity to unlock the potential of retail-sized bond trading by offering continuous prices presence and tight spreads on smaller-sized trades in a distinct selection of 2,000+ debt securities, including green, social, sustainability and sustainability-linked bonds.
Why choose
Firm prices & competitive spreads
Orders are executed at published price by our Prime Liquidity Provider, offering competitive bid/ask spreads for investors.
Liquid bonds
Guaranteed presence of at least 80% by our Prime Liquidity Provider in the order book.
Low trading fees
All authorised LuxSE trading members have access to LuxXPrime and can unlock the potential of retail-sized bond trading at no extra cost.
Retail-sized minimum quantity
A minimum bid and ask size for retail-sized tickets is always available with institutional investors able to find firm prices from EUR 1,000 up to EUR 100,000.
Calculate a bond’s yield to maturity (YTM)
On the security card of bonds included in LuxXPrime’s selection, you will find a Yield Calculator to help you inform your retail-sized trading decisions.
Get real-time data and statistics
LuxXPrime brings quality market data straight to your screen in real-time and gives you the necessary insights into the bond market as it evolves. Find data and statistics on LuxSE’s historical bond trades and monthly or annual performance statistics to build a better bond trading strategy.
Useful links
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